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Substance Abuse Certification Alliance of Virginia Credentials offers home study courses designed to meet the requirements for credentialing and recredentialing for the CAC (Certified Addictions Counselor), CCJAC (Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Counselor), CCSV (Certified Clinical Supervisor-Virginia), and CPP (Certified Prevention Professional) certifications. We are SACAVA (Substance Abuse Certification Alliance of Virgina) Education Provider No.03-08-05.

Your coursework will be shipped First Class Priority U.S. Mail or sent via e-mail, as you request. You will have access to our nationally known Instructors, and can work at your own pace.

Send back your homework by mail, e-mail, or fax, and your certificates of completion and student transcript will usually be sent out within 48 hours.

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Course Descriptions

***NEW***Group Leadership Skills (six clock hours) $45 Learn about the most helpful group leadership skills and styles. This course also includes ways to avoid the most common mistakes, research-based therapeutic techniques that have proven most helpful, ways to integrate group therapy with other needed services, and how to handle the most common problems that arise in group therapy sessions.Course Outline

The Ethics of Substance Abuse Treatment (six continuing education hours) $45 This course covers the practical application of ethical principles to situations faced by addiction counselors every day. Topics include the ethics of professional relationships, confidentiality, treatment planning, documentation, fees for service, advertising, referring, evaluation and assessment, conducting research and publishing. Also includes self-assessment checklists for both counselors and clinical supervisors. Learn to act with integrity AND help protect yourself from lawsuits. Course Outline

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (six continuing education hours) $45 Learn the principles and basic concepts of motivational interviewing. Based on years of solid research, these techniques have proven to be an excellent way to completely disarm "resistant" clients, motivate clients "in denial", and even help those who are openly hostile to the idea of treatment. Learn to assess readiness to change, avoid arguments, roll with resistance, support self-efficacy, establish rapport and trust, deal with reservations about changing, explore and set goals, initiate a change plan, and stabilize and support change. Course Outline
Improving Outcomes for Mandated Clients (six continuing education hours) $45 Learn how to turn complaints into treatment goals and prevent mandated clients from going underground with what they are really thinking. This course covers reflective listening techniques, ways to uncover hidden strengths and how to use “Columbo” questions to achieve an outcome that is welcomed by the client, the counselor, and the referring party. Course Outline
Solutions for the "Treatment-Resistant" Client (six continuing education hours) $45 This course covers therapeutic techniques that are especially helpful with challenging clients. Several specific techniques are discussed, as well as the concepts of denial and “preferred views”. Written homework assignments offer the “hands-on” opportunity to practice the techniques discussed. Learn how to succeed with "hopeless" clients, mandated clients, and clients "in denial". Course Outline
Vocational Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse Treatment: Part One (six continuing education hours) $45 Years of research prove that gainful employment is one of the best predictors of successful treatment. Learn how to integrate vocational rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment services to improve your success rates. Includes resources available to counselors, vocational rehabilitation screening and assessment, and how to set and achieve vocational goals. Course Outline
Treating Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders (six continuing education hours) $45 Improve outcomes for adolescent clients by learning the outreach, assessment, placement, and treatment strategies that are most successful with this special population. This course includes placement guidelines, treatment planning ideas, and how to deal with special sub-populations like juvenile justice clients, homeless adolescents, and those with coexisting disorders. Also includes guidance on the legal and ethical issues facing those who work with adolescents. Course Outline
Treatment Approaches for Women Who Abuse Alcohol and Other Drugs (six continuing education hours) $45 Learn the most effective treatment methods and models for women. Overcome barriers to outreach and incorporate all the critical components of successful treatment to this special population. Course Outline
Psychotherapeutic Medications (six clock hours) $45 Learn about the uses and side effects of psychotherapeutic medications. This course covers hypnotics, antidepressants, anti-psychotic drugs, anti-manic medications, anti-anxiety drugs, narcotic and opioid analgesics, stimulants and addiction medications. Improve outcomes by developing—and helping your client develop—realistic expectations for what each medication can and cannot do.Course Outline

**NEW**Teaching Self-Advocacy (six clock hours) $45 Learn to foster long-term, high-quality recovery by teaching your clients to advocate for themselves. This course covers assessing needs and resources, developing assertiveness skills, the benefits of transparency, Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAPs), and teaching self-advocacy in groups. These evidence based practices help prevent relapse.Course Outline
Confidentiality Law Compliance (six clock hours) $45 Violations of federal confidentiality laws may lead to loss of license, civil lawsuits, and criminal prosecution with a maximum penalty of ten years in prison and $250,000 in fines. Learn to comply with the requirements of HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2. Includes sample forms, compliance checklists, and details on how to avoid the most common violations. Course Outline
Family-Involved Substance Abuse Treatment (six clock hours) $45Learn how to improve outcomes by blending the most helpful strategies and techniques of family therapy and substance abuse treatment. This course will help you turn “co-dependents” and “enablers” into partners, and make long-term, quality sobriety a reality for your clients. Course Outline
Comprehensive Case Management and Substance Abuse Treatment (six clock hours) $45 Research links good case management to better outcomes for substance abuse clients. This course covers core competencies, case management principles, and how to meet the challenges of case management in pre-treatment, primary treatment, and aftercare. Learn the different models of case management, how to avoid the potential conflicts that arise among providers of services to a common client, and how to evaluate the success of your case management efforts. Also includes advice on meeting the special needs of nine special populations.Course Outline
The Stages and Processes of Change: Part One (six continuing education hours) $45 Improve outcomes by learning about the transtheoretical model, supported by 15 years of research validating its effectiveness. Learn to match your interventions to the stage of change of your clients. This course includes a complete explanation of the stages of change model, and suggestions for therapeutic techniques most appropriate for each stage. Proven to improve retention rates and graduation rates, and reduce the incidence of relapse. Course Outline
Improving Outcomes for Dually Diagnosed Clients (six continuing education hours) $45 This course will help improve outcomes for dually diagnosed clients by helping both mental health and addiction professionals learn to deal effectively with this special population. Examine the differences between the mental health and addiction treatment systems, acquire knowledge of the components of successful case management for those with dual disorders, and learn about treatment considerations for those with specific mood, anxiety, and personality disorders.Course Outline

Improving Outcomes for Clients with HIV/AIDS (six clock hours) $45 Learn to case manage in a way that allows for integration of physical health, mental health, substance abuse treatment, and social services. This course offers suggestions for risk-reduction counseling, so you can facilitate primary and secondary prevention. Learn about the progression of the disease and how to match your interventions accordingly. Course Outline

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